Nceduluntu Educare Centre!
At Mama Lumka’s request, we have begun working at Nceduluntu Educare centre, which is a nursery school set up and run by Mama Lumka catering for around 50 children from the local community. Ncedulentu has proved to be a wonderful introduction to childcare for volunteers who have no previous experience with children. At Nceduluntu, volunteers work together with the teachers already at the school, as teaching assistance. There is a great symbiotic relationship as volunteers are helping the both the teachers and the children improve their English and the teachers are passing on invaluable teaching tips to volunteers. Both the children and the staff have been so welcoming and enthusiastic to the volunteers who have been placed here and everyone has had a wonderful time.
This week the volunteers put on a magic show for the children who sat in speechless awe while Magicians Aoife, Emilia and Brigette performed tricks. GVI would like to take this opportunity to thank Brigette for all her hard work in the early days of setting up and developing this strong relationship between GVI and Nceduluntu Educare Centre.
In the meantime over at the orphanage, Class B and their teachers Kate and Catalina spent the week learning about pirates and preparing props for a treasure hunt on Friday based around their story of the week. The children really enjoyed themselves and were a wonderful sight to see running around with their eye patches, flags, maps, bandanas and telescopes in search of buried treasure!
In the meantime over at the orphanage, Class B and their teachers Kate and Catalina spent the week learning about pirates and preparing props for a treasure hunt on Friday based around their story of the week. The children really enjoyed themselves and were a wonderful sight to see running around with their eye patches, flags, maps, bandanas and telescopes in search of buried treasure!

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