Friday, December 4, 2009

GVI graduation day at ACJ Primary!

This week saw the end of term for the GVI Literacy and Numeracy programme at ACJ Primary and with it the graduation ceremony for our 8 students who have worked so hard and enthusiastically with GVI volunteers for the last 4 months. The proud students were presented with a certificate in front of their teachers and classmates and also a gift of a reading book each from GVI as they are all so eager to improve their reading. They were all given a warm round of applause by their classmates, who had specifically asked if they could share their special day. There was time for a quick photo, which will be passed on to their parents before they all enjoyed a small party with their GVI teachers. It was a wonderful occasion and a great opportunity to see how much these kids have changed as a result of taking part in our programme and our volunteers’ hard work so thank you everyone from their first teacher Louise to their last ones Chris and Annie, you have all made a real difference to these children lives which we hope will stay with them for a long time. It was a day also tinged with a slightly sad note as it was our coordinator Sarah’s last day. She has worked tirelessly over the past months to get this new project up to speed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank her again for her hard work and dedication.