Bowy House
Bowy House is GVI´s newest addition to the orphanage program in Cape Town. I am lucky enough to be the first volunteer to be placed here to work alongside the existing teacher to help implement a learning program. I am working with the four oldest children and two younger ones. It is an amazing thing to be a part of, I am working to give the children structure, routine and discipline as well as the educational benefit and it is so rewarding even though I have never had so many plastic chairs thrown at me J The children have a new crèche which they love to be in. As I am the first volunteer everything that we do is new and so exiting for them. As for me I can´t help but be happy when four children run up to me shouting teacher Zoe! teacher Zoe! can we go creché now?! As the end of the second week is drawing near, the children can now recite their rules, sing the good morning song, they know they are painfully ticklish and they also know not to throw chairs at me. Who knows what they will know by the time I leave or in a years time. If they keep going at this rate the world will be their oyster!
Zoe Spencer-Silver
Zoe Spencer-Silver

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