nothing unusual about our edu-care volunteers walking around with some children’s
song in their head all weekend. Tunes
about frogs, bunnies and even a great big moose are what tend to be the songs
we can’t get out of our heads rather than the latest download from itunes. Anyone who has been a volunteer with us will
know what I mean. There are even stories about volunteers singing children’s
songs in their sleep!
There is no
doubt that one of the favourite times for both children and volunteers is singing
and dancing. A great chance for our volunteers to teach the children the songs
they remember from their preschool days.
We recently had a group of Swedish volunteers who taught the children some
songs in Swedish and it was amazing how well some of the three and four year
olds picked up the words…much better than the rest of us. One of our volunteers
also taught a couple of African songs that were new to the children and of
course the children took to them with enthusiasm. Whilst the children love
action songs and upbeat styles they also really enjoy nursery rhymes and often
ask us to sing the old favourites like Mary Had A Little Lamb and Ring a Rosie.
Of course,
songs are lots of fun but the added bonus is that it’s such a great way for the
children to develop their English skills (and Swedish too!).
Cheryl Martin
Project Manager

Ring A Ring A Rosie
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