So many smiley faces!
We packed our bags…said goodbye to our families and friends…and were off! We didn’t know what to expect and, the truth is, we really didn’t want to. We wanted it to be a surprise. And what a wonderful surprise it was!
Three weeks ago we set foot for the first time in the ACJ Primary School in the Nomzamo township near Gordon’s Bay. As we entered the classrooms the children stopped what they were doing, stood up and shouted in their squeaky little voices “Good morning teacha how are you?”. They then ran towards us and hugged us. First one, then two, then three… Soon we had a group of ten cute kids showing off their sweet little smiles, giggling and calling out “teacha teacha”. What an unbelievable moment!
Since that first day, every day has been really rewarding. Monday through Friday I have my adorable group of kids whom I tutor in English. Together we read books, do writing and creative exercises and just talk. And after we’re through with the lessons they go off to the field where my boyfriend is waiting to teach them how to kick that soccer ball even further, how to make a long jump even longer or how to “ride the waves” at the Strand beach.
And when they’re done learning from us, it’s our turn to sit and listen. They tell us about their brothers and sisters…about their love for soccer…about what they want to be when they grow up. And as they talk we just stare at them and see how their faces light up and we can’t help but realize… This is the reason we’re here!
It’s amazing to think that when we decided to take on this project it was to enrich the lives of those that have less than us. And now, after only three weeks, we’ve come to realize that it is our lives that are truly being enriched… by so many smiley faces!
Jacky Shaldjian
Teaching volunteer

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