It’s amazing what a bit of one to one time can do for
children and at a busy nursery like Nceduluntu, one to one time isn’t always
easy to achieve. However, we have managed to build a structure where the preschool children have the opportunity
to do a one to one activity almost every day. It’s amazing to see the
progress. Children who had very little
experience even holding a pencil or crayon are starting to get the idea. Their ability to follow a few simple
instructions in English is improving and
they are becoming more confident to add a creative flair to their task. The
children’s attention span when looking at a book has increased amazingly and the
look of pride on children’s faces as they finish a painting activity is
priceless. This one on one time is also
rewarding for the volunteers as they see the improvement in the children…it
also helps then learn all the names a lot more quickly!
One to one time is also so important with the toddlers and
babies. As we talk and sing to these
children, they respond to this stimulus and the amazing thing with children
this age is that they show progress almost every day; learning to wave, lifting
their head, responding to their name are all great developments.
We can’t underestimate the importance of simply spending
time and interacting with the children and the volunteers and carers who work
with the children at Nceduluntu all do a great job working together to help the
children’s development.
Cheryl Martin
Project Manager

One to one at Nceduluntu
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