Baboons, Seals, Penguins & Children!
We are 3 weeks into our programs and the volunteers at both the orphanage and the primary school have been really busy. The children at the orphanage have been settling into their new classes really well and have been learning parts of the body! Class c did a fantastic job of making little people which they have proudly displayed on their classroom wall. While Class B was so excited about the masks that they made to help teach them the English words for eyes, nose and mouth that they made us all march around the perimeter of the orphanage so that they could show them off!

Over atACJ Primary School the children have been responding so well to the one on one program that the head of department at the school asked the Department of Education to come and pay us a visit! The education department was so impressed that they are thinking of rolling this program out on a much larger scale - very well done to Sarah, Louise and Josie with out these volunteers this program could never have been such a great success. The local teacher said that she has seen a dramatic improvement in both the confidence and motivational levels of the 8 children in our program. She said that before we started she really struggled to get these children to take part in activities while now they are far more interactive and are very proudly showing the other children in their class the games and exercises our GVI volunteers have been teaching them in their sessions!

After an extremely busy week the volunteers took a well deserved break and spent the weekend in Cape Town. They all went out for a night on the town in Long Street on Friday night and visited Robben Island on Saturday to learn some of the history of South Africa and see where Nelson Mandela spent time in prison. On Sunday they paid the penguin colony in Simons Town a visit and then went on to visit the Cape Point nature reserve where they made friends with some baboons and seals!

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