Sad goodbyes!
Goodbyes are always hard but leaving the orphanage after 6 weeks was hard. Working with the disabled children, babies and toddlers and class C, each for 2 weeks you get to know each child’s personalities, likes and dislikes and which ones are the naughty children! You may have some favourites but all the children are really beautiful and so sweet. I will defiantly miss Masitembe being mischievous during nap time and his cheeky little smile, Siyonella and her dance moves and the diva looks you get when she refuses to do something she may not want to do, Nombulelo and her cute little smile and the way she runs around the orphanage waving her hands in the air and Ruben, forever smiling there’s never a day when he doesn’t have a grin ear to ear. Although i was at the orphanage to teach the children I think in the end the children taught me more and gave me a beautiful experience I won’t forget.
Emma Timms

I´m really looking forward to my six weeks at the Orphanage in October-November! The more I read about it the more I want to be there:) It will be so nice to leave Sweden at that time when we need the sun so much.
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