As the H.O.P.E Centre projects continue to evolve, many changes can be seen, in both the programs as well as the children. After only 3 days of the newly added on-on-one sessions in which I have been lucky enough to spend 20 minutes per day with each child. It´s amazing the changes that can be seen in these bright, completely enthusiastic and lovable children. The one- on – one time has allowed children to show their personalities and open up. Today in one on one session I was amazed when one of the girls from the “Lion class” who rarely talks or participates in class truly opened up and was excited and engaged in my session and this new happy personality carried over the rest of the day. Every time I saw her face she would smile and wave or “high 5 “ me. I am able to create bonds with these children and give them the attention they need and crave in order to thrive. As the week is coming to an end I can hardly wait to begin again and see the children next week. I have only been here 4 days and am already in love with all of the kids!.
By Caroline Goodman
Paarl orphanage volunteer
By Caroline Goodman
Paarl orphanage volunteer

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