A Lasting Impression of Bowy House
Having worked at Bowy House for two weeks now, I can say it was nothing like I had imagined, but overall went better than I had hoped. At the beginning, it was only a class of two, which I thought I would struggle with. But the two girls Onele and Pholani have been generally so well behaved and after the first couple of days, I felt totally comfortable in my class with them. They really enjoy big creative projects so the massive Zebra collage and making a model of a parrot were both a complete success. Also seeing them dance to Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson was something words can’t even describe!

We welcomed a new girl to the crèche in the second week. Her name is Siyanthanda, who Onlele and Pholani have really welcomed. It’s so great when somebody can suddenly join a situation and instantly feel at home, so it felt like the class had been three girls all along.
I spend the afternoons looking after the babies at Bowy House and have never fallen in love so many times! They all need so much attention-more than you can give-but when you’re working with one and they have your undivided attention even for 30 minutes, it really makes the work we do feel worthwhile. With a baby like Avu, who is so behind in his development, getting him to roll over is a struggle. But when you feel him pulling on your finger and trying to do it himself you really realize what a difference you can make to a child’s life in as little as two weeks.
Jacob Snape

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