Babies ‘n the Beach
I’m a long term teacher at ACJ so I generally don’t get to spend that much time at the orphanage. But this week I have been fortunate enough to go there almost every day. It has been an amazing experience and I can’t tell you how much I love it here. The kids are amazing and make you never want to leave.
This week Beth gave me the amazing task of writing profiles for the babies. We have four: Anathi, Lisa Khanya, Ricardo and Xabiso. They are all so cute and I loved spending time with them and getting to know them better (despite being covered in baby drool, among other bodily fluids). My GVI t-shirt will never be the same.
Today we took the kids to the beach. I was nervous, especially after learning that some of the kids from the nursery were coming too. In all, we probably had about 50 kids! We divided them up into teams (using face paint of course) and got them into the water and building sand castles. I was actually surprised about some of the kids being afraid of the water. I remember when I first saw the ocean, I fell in love immediately. It was interesting to see the kids’ different reactions. Overall, despite the not-so-great weather we had a great time. I know the kids will never forget today and neither will I!
Felicia Black – Long Term Teaching volunteer

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