Story Time in the Library
This week we started Story Time during break for grade 1-3. The first class came in on Monday with one of the grade 1 teachers, Ms. Manswana. The look on the kid’s faces every time they come in the library makes my day. They all walk in “one by one” reminding each other to “shhhhh – Tulani! Tulani!” The teacher leads them straight to the “reading corner” in the back.
All 40 of them pile in to the reading corner, designed for no more than 10 or 15 students. They somehow manage to all sit down and were only told once to be quiet. They listened to a story in Xhosa, told with much animation and acting out. Though I didn’t understand a word that was being said except “mamela” I enjoyed it as much as they did!
Watching the kids enjoy the library, I was reminded of the tremendous effort that Mel and the Library Day Team as well as everyone who helped with fundraising efforts put in to make this library possible. ACJ has a brand new, usable library that every single class has been in at least once, and the looks on all the kids faces when they see it, or crack open a book, is more than enough payment for the effort put in!
Emma Mounsey – International Development Intern

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