To all potential volunteers of the Healthcare workshops project:
This program impacts the children like no other program. We (the volunteers) are responsible for educating the child careers who will then implement practice protocols; exercises and regulations which will benefit the children in positive ways such as health. The knowledge we are providing to the child careers is a gift you can’t put a price on. With the knowledge we are providing comes a healthier and happier environment, one that allows the children of South Africa to live a longer life. For those of you seeking a project that is challenging with the chance to be innovative and creative, this is the project for you. As you get to know the child careers you will adapt your way of communication to fit their needs and provide them with the tools required to succeed.
Put all fears and doubts aside and join GVI in this new project that will change the lifestyle of those you will be working with. With the support of my project manager, coordinator and housemates I write these words with a heart full joy and love while regretting that I will not be staying longer.
Amanda Lopes - Canada

A message from out first Healthcare volunteer...
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