This week has been packed with fun and laughter starting with the grand opening of our Role Play room. We were given a kind donation which enabled us to create this room which has a ball pit, doctors set, kitchen, play food, work bench, building blocks, climbing tunnels and lots more. I don’t think the children knew what to play with first! The ball pit seems to be the favourite at the moment, especially Nombulelo who heads for it every time. We only allow 4 – 5 children at a time as things get pretty excitable in there. The children get an allocated time slot and at the end have to put all the toys back in the right places ready for the next children. They even seem to enjoy tidying up!
We have also been working on House 2, trying to create a brighter fun atmosphere in there for the special needs children. The theme has been family so we have been encouraging the other children to make decorations to hang for Ruben, Edward and Thuso with the hope that if they have made them they won’t be pull down! So all of the children and volunteers have been making brightly coloured pictures and hanging/noisy decorations. We also painted along with the carers which created lots of laughter at some of our artistic skills! The room is bright and fun and everyone has helped create it.

Finally on Friday, we had a pirate theme day. The children made hats, eye patches and had temporary tattoos which they loved.
We also had a treasure hunt with chocolate treasure at the end of it and also special bubbly pirate grog which was lemonade with ice cream in it. Happy days all round!
JT - Ikhayalethemba Coordinator

A busy week at The Sanctuary
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