ACJ Sports 'pushes' to the next level!
As the last lesson of the term we have been doing circuit training. It is so important for the students to understand why they are doing the lessons and I feel that this is a great way of bringing simple exercise into the spotlight. Quite a few of the students seemed to take more of an interest in them this time having done most of the activities before and knowing how to do them properly, and those that didn’t were willing to listen and improve. We introduced wall sits (ski sits) into the circuit and that was really effective as the students could feel which muscles were being worked, and the volunteers could really test their willpower, as well as explaining to them that if you have stronger thighs you can kick a ball harder, which went down well and led to two guys holding the sit for over 3 minutes with sweat dripping from their faces as they tried not to think about the pain. They walked back to class on their own after stretching off though! We also found that getting the kids to do push-ups on their back first helped as they found it funny and because it meant they bent their arms properly, and when it came to doing them on their front they generally did it much better. Plus they look hilarious :-)
Nick Herrick - ACJ Sports Coordinator

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