We've come a long way in such a short time!
Last three lessons of the term and they went pretty well. The volunteers have had a fantastic time with the four students and were really sad to be leaving them, but they can take a lot of pride in the project they have left behind them. From next term we want to start taking more students so as to reach as many kids as possible. I think we have the makings of a really good experience for volunteers and students, as well as a great opportunity for all of us to learn and encourage the school, teachers and children to meet their potential. A big thank you to our volunteers this term. Brom, Sam and Austin have done an awesome job and the kids have loved it, and thanks to our partner coaches at Son Surf as well. We have come a long way this term. I’m sure we can continue the good work after the break! Fingers crossed!
Nick Herrick – GVI Surfing Coordinator

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