The end of this week was sad as we said goodbye to a few of our long term volunteers however we made it a last day to remember! The volunteers organised another fabulous fun day starting off with a piƱata filled with a sweets, flour and glitter. The children waited patiently to take their turn and it took quite a few hits to break but once it did the children got covered! To wash the flour off they had a turn at apple bobbing which they were all very good at, except for Aseza who just grabbed it with her hand! Then we had face painting and pin the tail on the piggy, the children painted the volunteers faces too. We then had egg and spoon races which we were joined by the carers for; they raced against the children and are actually very competitive considering they were competing against 2 – 6 year olds! They really enjoyed it though. Finally the last game was to cover Teacher Jennie in shaving foam for fun. Each child had a plate and they were told to through it at me. At first they couldn’t believe what they were doing and at the start most of them didn’t go for the face, however Masithembe enjoyed getting me right in the face, then there was no stopping the others! We all got really messy but it was lots of fun. I got hosed off with water and had to spend the rest of the day drying off! The children received a goodie bag in the lucky dip with sunglasses and temporary tattoos which they loved.
Jennie Rasmussen - Ikhayalethemba Coordinator

Fun and games at Ikhayalethemba!
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