Front flips!
We went into this week with a sense of uncertainty. Gymnastics is not my forte and the same is true of the three volunteers doing sports this week. I know what I did at school but ACJ is a different kettle of fish. How wrong we were!
I may not be a gymnast but the same cannot be said of these amazing kids. I knew from a few weeks back that they were fairly competent but I was once again more than pleasantly surprised to see the level of ability and the will to enjoy themselves that we get in the vast majority of our lessons. I learned to hula hoop a few months ago, of which I am quite proud. One grade 6 girl had three hoops going whilst balancing two upturned sports cones on her head!
What pleased me as much as the ability, was the effort and energy that the students and volunteers put into the lessons. I am always reminded of how much we are appreciated at the school when we have to calm a class down before taking them outside, even with a teacher in attendance. I will admit that it can get wearing having to tell children to get off the high jump mat (which we used for flips and rolls), but it is testament to their enthusiasm and sheer love of life and activity. Watching a 6 year old peek out of their classroom, sprint across the playground and front flip onto the mat before running off giggling hysterically, while frustrating after a week of similar behaviour, is still an unbelievably heartwarming experience. And having children trying to sneak into sports lessons rather than out of them reminds me how different things are here and how important what we are doing is.
Nick Herrick – Sports Coordinator

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