Africa Loves Sport
Africa loves sport. There is no question of this. It is no surprise then that the school we work in, ACJ Pakade, also loves its sport. GVI has been running soccer and netball workshops for over a year now and while it is sometimes sad to see the lack of structure preventing the students from excelling it has been very nice to see an improvement over the last few weeks.
We have known that the soccer team is good for a while, but it has been very hard for them to show others with very few fixtures available. Last weekend the 13/u team took part in a large local area tournament in which they came second, narrowly losing 1-0 in the final and bringing home the player of the tournament trophy as well. Wednesday/Thursday afternoons shouting “space” and “pass it” seem well spent now.
Our netball team has also been coming on leaps and bounds. They have been involved in a league this term and done well, particularly the 10/u and 11/u teams. I think the 10s are currently unbeaten. The older two teams have had much tougher matches and have been struggling to defend against some very well organised teams but both came out of their last matches on top. No one ever seems to know what the scores are at the end of netball matches but I am reliably informed that the 13/u team won by 5 and the 12/u team won by 10 points. It was particularly pleasing to see them putting our training into practice with some much quicker and more direct passing and some excellent defence. Credit must go to the guys who have trained them over the last term and to Miss Duba and Miss Bavuma who have organised them and been involved in the training this week.
I’m very proud of all our teams and I know that the school is as well.
Nick Herrick – Sports Coordinator

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