The Best Thing since Sliced Bread
Today marks the day that GVI can start buying loaves of delicious fresh bread from the Ikhayalethemba bakery. For anyone who has spent any amount of time with us here will know just how much bread we eat!
Simon the baker has been slaving away making soft fluffy loaves, muffins, sweet biscuits and more since the bakery opened in April. However, it wasn’t until recently with the help of GVI volunteer support and many generous donations they were able to purchase a commercial slicer. Simon will now be baking a daily GVI order which we will deliver to base. This step is hugely significant in the overall goals of the Ikhayalethemba project, pushing them that extra bit closer to self-sustainability.
Currently Simon bakes around 20 loaves a day for the Ikhayalethemba community. GVI’s addition will have a substantial impact on the revenue generated for the project. A big thank you goes out to everyone involved with purchasing the slicer. It’s your help and support that has made this step towards our goal possible.
I’m no mathematician but I know 24 volunteers, 4 staff, 28 sandwiches, 5 days a week, plus our morning jam on toast, equates to, roughly, one hell of a lot of bread! I think my ham and salad sandwich will have an extra special taste tomorrow.
Next step, muffins and biscuits for all! But until then, go on, have another slice!
Beth Mabey - Ikhayalethemba Coordinator

How wonderful to hear of all your good works and how your efforts are making such a difference. My daughter has just arrived at the village to volunteer for the next month and I am sure that she will enjoy all the delights from the bakery!!
So reassuring as a mum to know my daughter is in such good and caring hands...thank you. Julie Harrison
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