Truly Indescribable!
It seems so contradictory to try to describe my time at Nceduluntu Educare Centre, when I believe it is truly indescribable! I arrived at Gordon’s Bay over 7 weeks ago now, feeling very excited but quite apprehensive as well, as I did not know what to expect. I settled in so quickly, have made friends for life and now 8 weeks down the line, really do not want to leave!
It was so nice to stay for the length of time that I have, as I got the chance to see the amazing children grow and develop each day (and their different hairstyles!) Their behaviour has improved so much through the discipline that GVI have taught. This week, my fellow volunteer and I decided to take the kids on a safari through the classroom! Using our creative sessions each day we made lion masks, snakes, pipe cleaner monkeys, and bugs then decorated binoculars for them to spot the animals. Watching the children imitate the animals and play with and quickly destroy them was amusing! For my least week, we are incorporating English and Creative sessions and getting them to copy and decorate their own names.
From my time working with these children I have learnt how important multidimensional learning is. Stimulation with colour, touch, actions and movements and personalising their work to give them a sense of pride and involvement is essential for their education. I hope and know that with the continued help of GVI these children will go on to reach their goals and to become wonderful people.
I will never forget and really miss the delighted chants of ‘Teacher! Teacher!’ as we walk through the gates each morning - a truly unforgettable experience.
Becci O’Hare – Nceduluntu Volunteer

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