Plastic Bags, Scrap Paper and Tape
Plastic bags, scrap paper and tape. Would you believe me if I said that these simple things could bring children the kind of joy some only express when opening new toys on Christmas morning or on birthdays? Probably not, and I wouldn’t have believed it either if I hadn’t travelled to South Africa and worked with the wonderful children at the Hope Centre.
Though I have only been in fish Hoek for 3 of my 10 week stay, the children have taught me some lessons that will last a lifetime. One of those lessons was how to view even the most seemingly useless items as a possible treasure. With this came the inspiration to make a lesson using ‘one man’s rubbish’ and using it to create something fun and exciting.
Last Thursday we introduced the letter ‘U’ and for the final part of the lesson we were going to make uniforms. Our materials were plastic bags (with holes for head and arms), pieces of multi-coloured scrap paper and tape. The children bubbled over with joy when they were being fitted for their ‘uniform’ and they worked diligently to create their unique masterpiece. Once finished some ran to the class with the younger children and beaming with pride they showed off their creations. Then after everyone settled down we brought out face paint to add the final touches to their looks.
Thankfully a picture was taken to capture just a glimpse of the wonderful day. I never thought that I would ever be thanking God for things such as plastic bags, scrap paper and tape, but I sure am now.
Rachael Feibelman – Westlake Volunteer

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