Many ways to help from home and abroad
In February this year I did something a little different during my uni holidays; I travelled to South Africa and volunteered with GVI at ACJ Primary School. I loved working with the students there, and they were all so eager to learn. I especially loved watching the kids faces light up and smile when I said we were going to read one of the picture books the volunteers had brought over.
However, the opportunities for the students to enjoy reading were limited, as there was only one book in the school library!
After returning home, I decided to organise a fundraiser to gather some much needed books for the school. I organised a dinner party, and all my friends came along with books to donate to the school. We ended up with just over one hundred books!
Although the books took a few months to finally reach GVI through the post, they eventually arrived! We hope all the students at the school will enjoy reading their new books!
Laura Alchin - Australia

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