Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sports at ACJ

The kids at ACJ love sports! Our volunteers have a great time offering a program that teaches a range of sports skills, gymnastic, athletics, soccer, netball….the list goes on.  We work with classes during the school day and also offer after school sports, which proves to be really popular with the children.

Sports has been a challenge in recent times.  We had access to community field next to the school, when that was being resurfaced we only had the courtyard to work in.  The courtyard was a large area and great for sports but once the renovations on the school started we also lost that area. We were then confined to a narrow courtyard area which was quite a challenge with classes up to 50 kids.  We are pleased that the field is almost ready so soon we’ll be back using that space…it looks great! We look forward to putting it to good use.
With the renovations to the school we also lost any storage space we had so we’ve had to really improvise in the GVI classroom when it comes to storing any equipment.
 All these challenges aside, we’ve managed to keep the program running and with all the renovations happening and space being so limited at the moment, the children of ACJ need their sports program more than ever.
We are using some of the funds from this year’s Charity Challenge to support our sports program. We are keen to update our sports equipment and we also need to fund a space to store it at the school. Most of all we want to promote active and healthy lifestyles and have a great sports program for the children of ACJ.

Cheryl Martin
Project Manager
Gordon's Bay