One of the Most Unforgettable Experiences of My Life
I have been in Cape Town for only two weeks, and they have been two of the best weeks of my entire life. On July 19th I began working with class B at the nursery. I had absolutely no idea what to expect that first day. We put our stuff down and 10 kids came walking in to our classroom “one-by-one”. Immediately their smiles lit up the whole classroom.
Ever since that first day, the kids have continued smiling and have continued to make me smile each and every day. There is no better feeling than watching a child’s face light up when he gets an answer correct. I have been fortunate enough to experience this wondering feeling many times over these past two weeks. On day one, my students were very unsure of what most of the numbers 1 through 10 looked like – today I was calling out numbers and the children were making those numbers out of play-doh. It is such an amazing feeling when you can see your hard work and lesson planning pay off.
The children at the Nceduluntu Nursery have forever touched my heart, and I will always remember their smiling faces and sweet voices. Teaching at the nursery has been one of the most amazing and unforgettable experiences of my life!
Ainsley Lightman – Nceduluntu Volunteer

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