“If this little light of mine combined with yours today – how many watts could we illuminate – how many villages could we save? If there is a light in everybody – send out your ray of sunshine” Jason Mraz
I had no hesitation about coming to South Africa to volunteer. I have been a volunteer for several years and it’s incredibly rewarding. Many of those closest to me wondered how I could ever bear to leave. I wondered about it myself, but after spending the past two weeks at Ikhayalethemba I know I will shed many tears. I will also always remember my time here with a smile. I feel like I have done what I set out to do – to make a difference – no matter how small. My being here may not have been life changing to any of the children but if every person gave just a fraction of their time, love and passion – the world would be one step closer to being a beautiful place.
I held out my hand and the children took it. I gave my all these past 2 weeks – I loved, I laughed, and cried, I despaired. I imagined a world where every child got to go home, but I can’t change the world, I do however have the love to bring a child a smile, a cuddle or make them feel that today someone cares about them.
GVI is making the difference, setting the pace, giving each child a future. The number of children getting this gift grows each month.
My minute in time has impacted me in so many ways. I am truly blessed. It’s nice to spread some of that sunshine. My sunshine is the greatest gift I will ever be fortunate enough to share. Take the time to illuminate the lives of those that may not be as blessed. Put yourself out of your comfort zone – take the leap that will be so rewarding and so memorable.
Katrina Bell –Ikhayalethemba Volunteer

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