Painting at Kiddie’s Corner
Art has always been a big part of me, so I was very excited when we got involved in helping out with a big beautiful wall painting at Kiddie’s Corner in Masiphumelele.
Kiddie’s really is a sweet little corner of Masi. They don’t have much room for over 30 kids who attend there. They recently obtained a shipping container to add an extra classroom for the kids and the project partners worked on cleaning it out and washing it off to be painted. After they put on a base coast of light blue paint, we (the volunteers) were asked if we wanted to help out with a design for the container.
I love to draw it and I came up with a design after my experience and the general feelings I’ve had here so far. The design has kids waving and holding hands representing the wonderful children I’ve met , a South African flag for this beautiful country, green vines for the design to look unique and a big heart that we all ended up putting out handprints in for the feeling of love at Kiddie’s.
Project Partners and volunteers working together to make this new classroom come to life was a great experience to be a part of, because I got to know everyone there on a new level. When we put the final touch of our handprints in the heart and our two weeks were finished, we were all thanked dearly for our effort and contribution. I was equally thankful. I really feel in love with Kiddie’s corner and being involved with the painting of their classroom was one of the reasons for it.
I know Kiddie’s will be a part of me forever and how a little bit of me will always stay at Kiddie’s corner.
Petra Karneback – Masiphumelele Volunteer

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