Something Good to You
I came to this project two weeks ago and from the first time I met the students, I knew that this was going to be a lovely experience!
Every day is different and you never know what is going to happen when you jump off the bus in the morning. I am very happy everyday to see the girls and boys and it’s beautiful to see that they actually make progress. I have only been here two weeks and already I see differences – it doesn’t need to be much and when they really understand something, I almost jump out of my chair with happiness!
I spend a lot of time preparing the lessons but it feels so great to be able to help someone. It is a plus that I learn so much myself – I actually wonder who learns more, me or the students? Honestly, I think it is a kind of honour to be here and help the children learn something.
The days in the school go very fast and they are good therapy. If you feel like you just really want to lie in bed, you just need to jump out of the bus to see the cool crazy beautiful kids and you are totally happy again! Everyone is friendly and happy and welcoming, it doesn’t take long before you feel at home and I love Wednesday’s social night and Thursday’s karaoke.
Every day at the project and outside the project, everything just gets better and better and I just feel so happy. Everyone should try this because it really does something good to you, and for the kids.
Sofia Nymark – Teaching Volunteer

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