Mini Olympics a hit at ACJ
To finish our athletics period we have been running a mini Olympics with the students this week. They have been split into three groups and competing in shot put, long jump and relay running. It has been hugely successful, though not without confusion. Not all of the students understood the difference between a push and a throw in shot put, though this has improved a lot, and one of the children running the relay ended up running most of the way around the school rather than the short 60m we had in mind. Still he did so in a pretty impressive time and the handover at the end was perfect! I think the highlight was our last lesson of the week which went brilliantly. Questionable marking from volunteers led to ludicrously high scores of 2000, 2001 and 3689 and a group of kids chasing one volunteer around the playground before we danced them back to their lesson with a chant that they learnt from a TV advert and have turned into some kind of victory song. Amazing!
Nick Herrick – Sports Coordinator

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