Life on the project has been nothing short of amazing. Like every new volunteer I suffered from nerves and was apprehensive but these feelings quickly disappeared once I saw the passion and enthusiasm that came from the coordinators and previous volunteers. I now find myself dreading the thought of leaving.I never dreamt that id become so emotionally attached to the children. I’m constantly surprised by their willingness to learn and the enthusiasm they show at all times. One example of this is a particular afternoon workshop that we conducted based on a pirate theme. We had the children make hats and eye patches which they adored and took so much time and effort into creating. We then did a treasure hunt around the school and the smile on their little faces as they took part is the most wonderfully rewarding feeling.
I feel so privileged to have made an impact on these wonderful children’s lives, no matter how small a contribution it is. The main thing that I have learnt throughout my experience here is that we cannot change their lives completely but we can give them a glimmer of hope and a gentle push in the right direction as well as hoping that they will find what we teach them useful and enjoy their time with us. Olivia Walker, ACJ Teaching, Gordon’s Bay

Pirates on the loose at ACJ!
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