Bucket loads of energy needed!
have just finished my first week teaching sports at ACJ and originally I
thought that the toughest part would be getting the students motivated to
participate. However, a running theme with all the year groups is the
excitement and willingness to have their once a week sports lesson, this makes
our job a lot easier as we teach about five classes of fifty students each day!
week, we decided to split groups into two and complete soccer and basketball
drills. Adding a competitive edge by having a shooter and defender really gets
the groups going and it is so nice to see them dancing, chanting and cheering to
encourage team work as well ball, footwork and hand-eye co-ordination skills.
is now the end of the week, I am shattered, but the children have been working
all week too and they still have so much energy which will keep me going until
the end of the day. I am looking forward to a good rest over the weekend I will
need my energy for next week’s classes for sure!
Rebecca Bennett- Sports and surfing volunteer

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