The Good, the Great and the Beautiful....Part Two
At the Hope Centre, toilet time is one of
my favourite times of day! I have never seen children get so excited to wash
their hands and I never get bored of seeing their faces light up every time
they make bubbles with the soap. They get equally excited about brushing their
teeth after breakfast, even one of the children who doesn’t have a single tooth
in her head will sprint to brush her teeth. This seems strange to me, at home
kids will do all they can to avoid brushing their teeth and washing their hands
and yet these are the things these children look forward to most!
During outdoor play I always feel like a
big kid again, joining in all the games, spinning around with the children to
see who falls over first, they can make a game out of anything. I have also
never seen a group of children, who are so resilient. When they fall down,
instead of crying, they just pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry
on with whatever they were doing, which is definitely something that I feel
I’ve learnt from them. If anything, I feel as though they have taught me just
as much as I’ve taught them. I’ve learnt to appreciate the little things and how
grateful I am for all that I have in my life. The simple things that as adults
we forget and take for granted, these children remind you of every day.
I have loved every minute of my time at
Hope with these children and am going to miss each and every one of them
equally. They have changed my life forever and I look forward to the day when one
of them becomes the next Michael Jackson, opens their first art gallery or
becomes President.
Laura Mond- Fish Hoek Educare volunteer

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